Accessories for glass shower enclosures Colcom

Accessories for glass shower enclosure for the “La Locanda al Piave” hotel in Udine

Country: Udine -Italy
Project: Hotel “La Locanda al Piave” in Udine
Product: Accessories for glass shower enclosure – Snap hinge
Model: Snap hinge CO 8500 R

Staying in a hotel means vacation. You can enjoy yourself and relax even without spending a fortune. What you can’t miss, however, is someone looking after you, a unique place, comfortable rooms, a welcoming and relaxing atmosphere. Everyone is looking for them and everyone wants them: the bedrooms (and especially the bathrooms) of the hotel “La Locanda al Piave” in Udine have everything you need to spend a comfortable vacation. And if beauty is in the detail, the accessories of the glass shower enclosure are really noteworthy, for both beauty and functionality.


Snap hinges CO 8500 R were the best choice for the shower enclosures of the Hotel “La Locanda al Piave”. The result is a glass shower cubicle with a minimal, clean and elegant design. The CO 8500 R model belongs to the series for shower enclosures made up of snap hinges, wall-glass and/or glass-glass. Choosing the CO 8500 R series is the easiest and cheapest way to have a high quality, crystal shower cubicle.


Snap glass-wall and/or glass-glass hinges for shower enclosures. In the adjustable versions, thanks to their positive features, they can be installed even in off-square walls conditions. The stop positions of the whole series are ensured for a very high number of cycles over time. The wraparound design contains a particularly sturdy mechanism and thanks to the peculiar shape of the flap, it needs no gasket cutting, ensuring excellent sealing. Snap hinges are also available in the adjustable version (R).

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