Effective from September 2020, our Chiara Giugno has been appointed to a new position as Warehouse Manager. She has been at Colcom for a long time, with experience ranging from assembly to consignments. We wish her every success in this new adventure at work.

“I have a fantastic team that is ever willing to give a helping hand. It is also with the helpful cooperation of these people that we are working efficiently, despite the challenging period.”

These were Chiara’s first impressions of the new task. She briefly outlines her years at Colcom below:

“I discovered Colcom when, as a little girl in 2000, I did not want to continue my high school studies, and my father suggested that I should apply for a job here! I started my path in the Assembly Department. I later moved on to the Consignment Department, where I worked until about a year ago, when the Management suggested that I could join the production team. I was happy to accept, and since one thing leads to another, and my path at Colcom had been long and complete, two weeks ago I was appointed Warehouse Manager.

Now I hope the time for changes has drawn to a halt as this is my kingdom! I have a fantastic team that is ever willing to give a hand. It is also with the helpful cooperation of these people that we are working efficiently, despite the period that is generally challenging, and the two moves from one facility to another due to the merger of the two warehouses based in Bologna and Rome with the warehouse at the headquarters.

I am surrounded by fantastic people and, despite difficult moments, we have the strength and determination to keep moving. I am not wrong in saying that, in some way, this is my second home”

Thank you, Chiara. Enjoy your work!